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Easy Passion Project Ideas Using Technology

Podcasts are the simplest passion projects to start. A phone is all you need--pick a group of people, perhaps friends, teachers, family to interview in 15 minute conversations about a topic that interests you. Next, record voice memos, create a simple piece of artwork and post on Spotify, Apple, or the Anchor app. Make sure to practice: you will likely not post your first few attempts.

Resistant about starting a podcast? Many students are.

“The last thing I wanted to do was start a podcast…” wound up being the first line of this student’s Common App essay. During the pandemic, like every other athlete who saw their sports canceled, he was unable to play hockey. A quiet guy who was uncomfortable speaking to people, he decided to interview student athletes whose recruitment offers were rescinded. Then, he began to wonder about the big picture of college sports. This turned into researching “Why do colleges have sports? Who pays for them?” “How do they become so profitable?” Those questions sparked his interests in sports, business, and journalism, and eventually revealed the direction of his career.

Use popular social media platforms! A TikTok is good for students who do not like to speak. Start a channel and record six videos that show what you like. Create content, perhaps how-to videos. Break something down, like five bullet points about a video game, or review a book about the game, a movie, or music. It's not important how many views you get (although you may be surprised). Simply write text and post it. A passion project should feel authentic, not fake.

Create a squarespace or Wix website and post your own artwork/performances–or those your friends have created. Look for surprises in the process…these can change the relationships of the people participating and even create essay ideas you can use later.

Write a 20 page E-book and self-publish it on Amazon!


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